Glowing From Within

Posted by Laura Cohn on

I am honestly sitting down for the first time since I arrived in Bali a bit over two weeks ago to send my annual love letter from Bali home. Life has been fuller than usual for me here this year, as I have been working 10 hour days to get my shopping done with dinner visits with friends thrown in for balance at the end of the day. When you see me, my left arm will be the only thing tanned because I have been in the car so much my tan is only from my left shoulder down to my fingertips. But of course the rest of me is glowing from within. Balance - even in my work as I drive (am driven by our wonderful driver Made) from place to place, village to village, I take in the intense green landscapes peppered with ducks and dogs roaming, rice harvesting being done by old and young women, motor bikes weaving in and out of the traffic with a tremendous skill and risk I am in awe of - and tons of brightly colored ceremonial towers and offerings along the road that the Balinese make daily for auspicious days and holidays. This visual overload all together helps me to redefine balance - I exist here between the tip top of a high that reverberates in my body from all the saturated colors, aromas, cacophony of sounds and then being in the company of old old friends of over 20 years that I have called Indonesia my soul home.

Many little stories I could share, but I am in my last day before I leave for home tomorrow and have much to finish up before then. I will spend the day with my loves here, do a bit of spa treatments, long swim and lunch, and attend an art opening later, and final dinner. Tomorrow night in Hong Kong and then onto Bala for a re-entry into my other life. This life is as real as that one....planting the garden is only a mere month away and then the greens and colors of spring. I can't wait!!

Love to all. Please don't forget that we can choose our happiness and it is so much more fun!


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